Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wear what you dig!

Hello all,

Happiness,( just like everything else worthwhile) has some work involved.

Some basic things I do to stay on my path!

1. I set goals all the time.

2. I allow for things to not work out and quickly adapt to a back up idea.

3. I quit wasting my time on anything that does not add value to my happiness.

4. I no longer try to plan out fun, or recreate a moment. I live in the now!

5. I don't concern myself with what other people think, its none of my business.

6. I no longer deal in "what ifs" I deal with "what is" I will leave all the fear mongers to the media.

7. I don't hate on myself.

8. As much as I can talk, I try and listen as well.

9. Energy Vampires are not allowed in my circus!

10.  I always have something else to look forward too.

My own mind is my best friend and worst enemy, so I do what I can to not let the weak, jealous and lazy side rise up and ruin what should be a good day.

Make the choice to be bold and brave,  be happy and to help others. Don't hate, Don't blame.

Peace and Love all

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