This is my fourth year or so of living as clean as I can, I have made a ton of mistakes and learned a lot as well. This is what I'm doing now and what I intend to continue to do until some magic comes my way.
I'm keeping track of the amount of calories I eat compared to the amount of calories I burn! Pretty radical thinking I know.
You can find all sorts of apps and web site calculators online to help you find your number. My plan was instead of looking to how to lose weight I chose to see what I would have to do to maintain my ideal weight.
I went to a site entered my height /sex/age and then chose the weight I want to be at! Now to me this is thinking outside of the box but in a good way. The first few weeks might get tough but already it has made me very aware of the extra calories that sneak in there in the course of my day.
If you were to start out at your current weight in time you will have to cut back, I would rather get to where I need to be eating all the time.
As for working out, I think that depends on your personal goal. I'm in my early 50's and I want to be fit and pain free to do all the activities I enjoy.
My workout is based on short intense focused bursts of power. I use my kettle bell and do 40 swings at least every other day as soon as I get up. I repeat this in the evening as well. I bike a 16 mile course at least twice a week and in between that I have hill days where I bike up a steep hill.
So these are simple workouts , brief no gym but they add muscle and tone along with burning a few calories.
Now I still try and make the calories I eat as clean and healthy as can be, if I have a night out and go a little over board than I know this will be at best a maintain night and not a weight loss night.
Here's to keeping it simple, life can be hard enough.
Peace and Love