I asked out loud if I could help anyone and a friend asked me out about energy and my wife has asked me about feeling drained and what is the answer.
I would start with first of all a good nights rest. We all need to recharge and 7 or 8 hours is a must, if your only sleeping fours hours then you are going crash. If you have poor sleep habits (I sure did), then you need to work on it. some tips for better sleep get away from the unnatural lights TV, PC’s cell phones. When the sun goes down my lights start to turn down as well. I prefer candles and sitting out in my yard and watching the sunsets. Its my time to unwind. You can watch TV shows anytime now so why not enjoy a glass of red wine and enjoy your evening outside.
Food is perhaps the most important thing for energy because it is our source of fuel. Make smart choices and you will go all day, bad choices and your blood levels will crash and burn. I know for years I used to eat fast food for lunch and everything single day around 2pm I wanted to take a nap. When I got home after five I would be hungry again and then sleep for an hour and eat and then stay up all night with just a few hours of sleep and repeat the whole mess again.
When I discovered that my problems came from food within days I started to feel better. So what to eat??
Protein is a great way to get energy so , eggs are at the top of my list every day for breakfast, so many ways you can make eggs, just the best!
Chicken, red meat, fish and yogurt all things I eat every week.
Vitamin B
Dark leafy veggies like spinach , kale, and turnip or mustard greens.
Blueberries , raspberries, pineapple, coconut, bananas, apples.
Nuts: Almonds, cashews, walnuts
Smoothies: My personal favorite smoothie is very simple and tastes great and is filled with nothing but good stuff for you.
I add one banana, a cup of frozen blue berries, small cup of Greek yogurt,a spoonful of almond or cashew butter and then I fill the blender about half way with almond or coconut milk. If I have any kale or spinach on hand I toss that in as well.
I do not skip meals and I never eat bread (bread converts to sugar very quickly and slows you down) I also do my best not to eat any sugar(sugar gives you a false energy and then you crash even worst then before).
I like a handful of almonds or a cup of Greek yogurt .
I drink water all day, if your even a little dehydrated it wall slow you way down.
This is your bodies thermostat for burning fat, so to keep the fires burning I do all sorts of little tricks. I add hot sauce to my meals, I add cinnamon to my coffee and I eat a lot of hop peppers as well.
The number one thing we all need to do more of. Get off your butt and go for a walk. Walking does so many good things for us I could write about it and nothing else. Just walk , go around your block, walk through the woods just get moving.
Lift weights:
When you build muscle you burn fat 24/7. The more muscle tone you have your body will work for you instead of against you.
Get out and spend some time in the sun, your body craves it.
Now this is new for me and I admit I have a long way to go on learning this,but your mind and spirit I feel have to be on the same page as your body. Find a quiet spot and choose a word and repeat it , when your mind starts to wonder away from the word, take note of it and resume with your chant. I was amused at how often my thoughts kept trying to interrupt my little chant.
Start slow but everyday try adding some new things to your life and at the same time remove a bad habit or two. I will continue to post my recipes as I stumble on them and please write me if you have any questions. This for my pal Kina,every now and then you meet someone who just has a glow about them !
Peace and Love all!