Saturday, February 20, 2016

Fake it until its real

Hey all,
Its been awhile since I posted anything except for my Facebook page (please like it if your interested) so today the sun is out and its got me feeling good. 
So Spring is not far off and the Winter can be tough if you slip up, which I did. So on a day like today when it’s the middle of Winter and bam its 77 degrees out!!!  I grabbed my bike and hit my favorite path and was sucking air in no time…but so what, I knew I was not going to go much more than five miles so I decided to hot dog it and pass as many people as I could. I’m in bad shape and have zero stamina at this point …so I faked it. I just pumped hard and toughed it out. Downed a ton of water here and there and kept up my hustle.
The result was a short but very hard workout for my body and I had fun in the sun. I know in a few months I will be riding 16 –20 miles day but in the mean time I’m going to ride like a badass on these little trips. Each ride I feel myself getting closer to where I want to be. When I work out or ride I don’t see myself as I am , I vision who I want to be. I fake it, and think what do I need to now to maintain this level.
I choose to see myself as a fit person and act like one, eat clean, sleep eight hours, work out on a regular schedule …these little fake outs soon become second nature and in no time there is nothing false about it. You’re a fit person!

Peace and Love !

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