It's July the heat is on and I am feeling awesome..why you ask?? let me tell yah I made a few right moves and the universe opened up a path for me.
1. I returned to Paleo, limited carbs, heavy on good fats and lots of protein and no processed food to the best of my ability.
2. My wife set up some apps on my phone for tracking my work outs along with everything I put in "Ma belly"! I wear a fitbit and insist on hitting at least my 10,000 steps a day (about five miles).
3. I met with Ethan Brandt of!!
Ethan is trainer and a walking inspiration of positive thinking and smart working out. I told him I'm not a gym guy but went out to meet him and he has a very impressive gym. Still I stuck to my guns and said thanks but not for me, Ethan sends me a note asking what my goals are and a week later sends me a basic start plan to bust some fat and raise my heart rate. This man is killing me, I find myself waking up at 5am to try some of the moves he sent. I feel the pain two days later and feel I should spend my days trying to find a way to hurt him back.. but I also note I'm feeling stronger day by day.
I started this on the last week of June, and something is changing inside of me along with the outside.
I am not competitive !
OK so now I'm a man on the move walking here and there putting a hobbit to shame, when I get invited via Fitbit to compare my "steps" with friends of mine.. What the hell?? Mary F just passed me by, I don't think so. Off I go for another walk!
The universe is not done with me yet..Pokemon on the Go is ..well you can look it up but it is taking over and nerdy folks are dare I say it...WALKING OUTDOORS IN THE FRESH AIR!!!! My kids have never even been in my back yard unless you count a Google Earth fly by. Now they have discovered my beloved walking paths and near by parks. Groups of pale over weight teens have been seen moving about here and there. I saw the wonder in one lads face when it started to rain and he was so confused.
I tell you its wonderful and creepy all at once. Now let step up and show my cards here, I don't play any video games and know next to nothing about these Poky creatures,but I do know people are moving about and that is a good thing!
I an not competitive!
My wife I should point out is deep into the cult of catching these video imps as well and no one was more shocked then me when she said lets walk a little further!!! WOW
On my nerd side I'm looking at the same time as people are chasing little blue and yellow cartoons at the number of steps other Fit bit players are getting. I have different competitions going on and one is can you get in more steps in your work week than the other guy. I think I can, and then my new Fitbit dies and as I decide what to do my numbers stop while I get lapped by Jim C. and Mary F ( I 'm not sure who they are but they are ahead of me) this will not do at all. I am still not competitive.
On Tuesday night I get a new FitBit but I'm way behind...I start waking two miles at my office, and slowly I catch up..Now its Friday the last day and I'm in third place. I have walked 10,000 steps and I'm still in third. I drive home and think not bad considering I was out for a day, I get home its a nice night and I think if I walk to point A and back that is a five mile walk a second 10,000 steps now we all know by now I am not competitive, I walk the extra five miles and BOOM I am in the lead!!!
I sit back watch a movie and enjoy my victory, my film is coming to an end and I am enjoying a glass of wine when my phone alerts me that Mary F. has just passed me by with 17 minutes to go!! Its almost midnight I am a 52 year old man and I look at my wife and sa y "pause the film I need to walk for 17 minutes, you wanna go find some Pokmon?!! Off we go and at Midnight Mary F receives a note saying Mark C (whoever that is she thinks) just slipped past you to victory!
Now I am not competitive, but that is the reason I was walking two blocks from my house at midnight in my Led Zeppelin PJ's . Side note my wife also went up a level.
You may ask yourself what does this have to do with fitness and health, well I'm not sure except my family is moving and laughing and I feel great. There's lots of ways to lose weight and Ethan and kettlebells, walking , eating the right calories are part of my plan and now its looks like I have some company on the trail to health ; a bunch of pale folks sweating away chasing monsters that will help them get stronger. I'm cool with that. Peace and Love
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