Friday, October 26, 2012

Mind Games



“Nothing is written until I write it” T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia) , I love this way of thinking, I wake each day with this notion in my head of bring on the day. Mondays are just fine with me,I don’t want to wait until Friday to feel good. It took me a long time to reach this level of thinking, I had 48 years of negative shit in my head I had to get over. Here’s a great tip I got from self help guru Tony Robbins. Pain and Pleasure!! The pleasure of lets say a big bowl of ice cream compared to the pain of not being able to zip up your loose cut jeans. That simple, keep a moment where you were soundly humiliated and keep that little gem handy for the next time temptation comes along. I have several I can reach into my fat ass bag of shameful memories. Too fat to go horseback riding was a particular fond memory one summer. Here’s another tip from Tony, when a plane leaves LA to fly to New York 90% of the time its going in the wrong direction, The navigator must correct the course time and time again. I know the place I want to get to but every now and then I wonder off the path. I stop and check and make sure I’m doing the right thing and continue my trip. It is an amazing thing to me that if you change your thoughts you can change your life! How simple and yet so many of us ignore this. I do little experiments every week just to see what kind of results I get. I will smile all day to see if I can make other people smile, or try and compliment as many folks as I can. Small random acts of kindness are a blast. It will help alter your mood and in time it becomes a habit, have a cup of kindness.  My tip of the day: quit wasting anymore time feeling sorry for yourself and go out and make someone else smile today.

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