I so love the Fall of the year, cool nights ( we burn logs on our back deck at night and watch TV or just talk) Halloween is just around the corner and the air is so fresh. It is also the time a lot of us turn to comfort food and leftover candy then its Thanksgiving and before long the whole Summer of working out is washed away. I have been guilty of this myself last year. Its easy to reverse your hard work and its cold so you hide for awhile behind your sweaters and coats but your not helping yourself at all. So I set up my Fall workout plan.
I walk at lunch now because soon after I get home from work its getting dark, I also get in as many extra steps through out my day so by the end of the night I have at least 10,000 steps or close to five miles of walking. I drop and do push ups through out my day as well just to add a little to my day. Every other day I work out with my 35lb Kettlebell and for me I need that day of rest in between.
That’s it, that’s my easy plan and it should go without saying I follow the Paleo diet close to 90% of the time. I enjoy a glass of red wine here and there and maybe once in awhile I will indulge in a treat like ice-cream or a big cookie but I find a little is enough. I don’t make it taboo I know if I want something I can and that has helped me say no more then yes.
So just a reminder to you as well as myself, the cold weather and short days are coming so figure out your plan not lose any ground you have gained in becoming a better version of you!
Peace and Love !
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