Thursday, October 23, 2014

21 days of paleo


Hello All,

First off 99% of this information I gathered from reading Mark Sisson’s Primal blue print, I can not recommend this book enough. It simply changed my life for the better. The one percent that I have to offer is my personal experience trying the paleo lifestyle.

Just to recap about three years ago I started paleo and after losing over a hundred pounds of fat I slacked a bit and a good 25lbs came back. This year 2014 I decided to get more focused on not just the food but working out. The results for me were I quickly lost the 25lbs and replaced it with lean muscle. OK so what is the big secret to losing fat and gaining lean muscle?? EAT REAL FOOD AND MOVE MORE! That’s it ,but here is my take on the 21 day challenge from Mr. Sisson.


Give up all  of the following : Bread, Pasta,Milk, Sugar, Vegetable oil, all grains so no Corn .

Still with me??  Ok then what can I eat?

Eggs, Meat, Chicken,Fish, vegetables, fruits, smoothies, Red wine,coffee,Almond milk, almond butter,coconut butter and coconut milk Nuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans

Work out;

everyday no exceptions 10,000 steps that’s less then five miles and you can break it up through out your day. Grab a fitbit or whatever gadget you choose and keep track of your steps.

Push ups, squats,planks and pull ups (still working on these) Use your own body weight for a workout.

I love to workout with Kettlebells but yard work is just as good.

In the primal blueprint Sisson lists his 10 basic rules and  my version is this.

1. Have fun

2.Sleep eight hours

3.Get some time in the Sun and the fresh air

4.Eat real food (nothing processed out of a box)

5. go for long slow walks

6.Use your brain and challenge everything including this

7.Lift heavy things now and then

8. Sprint full out for one minute like your life depended on it (it does)

9. Ignore the scale

10.Be kind ( I believe we all have the power to be good or evil ,why would you want to be the person that causes pain?)

So what I did which now seems a lifetime ago was started with going for a walk and then making my own meals instead of fast food. I  found after 2 or 3 weeks my cravings for sugar went down. My strength is better today then a week ago. I really believe in this lifestyle and I never look at it as I have to do without.

I use to love fast food, now the idea of it turns my stomach. I use to be so lazy I would pace in front of the microwave, now I enjoy going to the farmer markets and preparing my meals. I believe in myself now after a life time of self loathing. I have gained control by changing my thoughts which then change my actions. I can not control outside forces but I can control how I will react to them.

This is the very time of the year I first started, Halloween through News Years I was able to lose about 40lbs of fat and when the New year arrived I was on the home stretch.

This is a life style change my midlife crazy if you like, I live this way 24-7 as best as I can. It can be tough when I have four other people to feed who do not like what I eat and when money is tight I have to eat a frozen pizza here or there but I then adjust my workout.

There is a solution to every problem if you want to find it. I have very strong beliefs based on my own personal experiences. I study a lot of self help philosophy and the common core is taking responsibility for your own actions.


I chose to be fat and lazy, now I choose to be healthy and strong. A lot of folks helped me along the way and continue to, so I need to pay back and if I can help you please let me know. If you live in the St. Louis area I hope to see you on the trails hiking or biking about. If you want to contact me send me and email and I will try and help you out.

This is the big event, the curtain is up and this is your stage.

Peace and Love all

and here are some before and after pictures of me I hope inspire you to change and always to remind myself never to go back. 2009-07-11 Dylan's Graduation Party 004Mark's B-Day Weekend @ Lost Valley 08-27-04 - 08-29-04 (17)2009-07-24 Lost Valley Weekend 002

Here’s some more recent pictures of me.10460842_10203816128316939_513074821069364664_o10497148_10203248769413321_3674156372830363527_o

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