Thursday, February 19, 2015

Body beautiful


Hello All,

Just some ramblings on body image as I wonder on my path to a better life.  The human body is an absolute marvel to behold and if treated right will respond in kind with helping you do all the things humans do  like climbing stairs, lifting heavy things, breathing etc..

We allow media to dictate so much to what we should be like its very easy to forget the most beautiful thing is an individual.

We live in age where a young girl who is tall and lean has her makeup done by professional artists, then photographed under ideal lighting and at last photo shopped so no blemish or unwanted curve appears and it presented on a glossy magazine cover and the world says yes this is a real natural beauty. The end results are  real girls of all ages feel they are ugly and do not measure up.

I watched a body building documentary the other day and it was funny to watch these guys just before they go onstage and they not only get tan applied but they had their helpers wiping their bodies with a bronzer paint so the muscles looked “better”. 

On one hand I believe in wear what you dig, life is short go rock that hat or leather boots ..but when it comes to your body it should be about health.

Science has made much of a face that is symmetrical is more appealing and I’m sure that there is something to all of that, but when I look around I see beauty comes in all sizes and shapes.

I have found what is beautiful, is the imperfections we have and what what we do with what we have. The struggle should be to feel valid in our own skin not to blend into a crowd of mannequins (which are creepy –Twilight Zone episode anyone??). No one on the planet can decide for me what or who I feel is beautiful, I will make that choice myself. Beauty is truth and reality,when all else is stripped away and the results that shine too me are the people who understand that its not about a dress size or the amount of muscles you have…its celebrating all that is you.

Don’t wait for the slow song folks, the dance has begun!


Peace and Love all 

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