Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Keeping status quo


If you could snap your fingers and have any persons physique, just how long do you think you could maintain that persona without changing your unhealthy habits?

I think if that was possible it would be just like a drunk driving a brand new Porsche off a cliff..it would start off looking great and very soon would be at the bottom of the heap.

If you know someone who is fit and healthy study their ways for awhile. You will find that they watch what types of food they eat, they have a regular workout plan and they do everything they can to maintain each day. This a life style not a diet for 30 days or three days of only drinking water and licking a head of cabbage.  This is about living a good life as opposed to existing in denial.

Some people are so good at their natural ways of staying healthy its second nature to them and the same goes for the unhealthy people. Some examples I have noticed in my office building:

One lady I know always has a small bag of her own homemade trail mix on her desk. Three or four grapes,a small handful of almonds and a pear or a banana. She takes the stairs through out the day and parks further away at the back of our parking lot. She has a water bottle  she fills up through out the day and she belongs to gym where she does an aerobic workout a few days a week.  She just turned 60 and looks twenty years younger .

Another lady ,also on our second floor parks as close as she can to the building, walks in the front door everyday day with a  fast food drive through breakfast, takes the elevator up the one floor instead of the stairs , has a large candy jar all year round on her desk and only gets up when its her time to go on a smoke break. She has one of  her friends pick up fast food for her for lunch. She is under 25 and blames “life” for making her fat!

Both of these ladies are set in their daily routine by habit and choice.

One man I work with had a health scare and decided it was time for a change, he has a very busy schedule so he took a look at his day and traded staying up late watching TV for going to bed and hour or so early so he could go to the gym before work.

Nothing has to be extreme, just start out trading good ideas for bad. You will find yourself feeling better every day.

Everyone will slip from time to time, the worst thing you can do is beat yourself up,a better tactic would be to remember how you felt after you slacked off for the next time you get tempted.

The main point of this rambling mess is its not enough to lose weight and gain muscle , it must be maintained.


Peace and Love all

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