Friday, May 22, 2015

Choosing Alpha!



Hello All,


On reflection I’ve wasted a lot of my life in a Beta mode of being quiet and not wanting to speak up at the risk of offending someone or disappointing someone else. The result being I became the nice guy with low self esteem who over ate too find some type of reward and watched my health decline at an absurd rate. It is very easy to get into this safe way of living, no one can hurt you. Soon you find you feel nothing at all and you become like a robot following a set of orders.

If you have read any of my previous posts I’m very proud of the fact I chose to change, too become the person I want to be for myself. If this comes off as bragging than fair enough I’m bragging, I pulled myself out of a fucking nose dive! Here’s the thing so can you.

Speak your mind

Follow your heart

Form a vision of just who you want to be

Be brave, if your not feeling brave than fake it, no one can tell the difference

Understand that you do matter and have value

If you see something that is wrong than do what you can to correct it

If you see something positive than reward it and share with others

Being Alpha is not to be a rude jerk, it is though to be the best version of you

Bullies are not alpha they are weak jackals that speak only with a pack behind them

Ignore the people who try to stop you on your path and they will be plenty of them

Toss open the door to fear and step over the threshold and you will find what the bold knew all along…nothing is what you thought it would be

Never feel sorry for yourself, fix your problems that you can and learn to deal with the issues that can not be resolved and keep moving

Life is not fair and so what

Take action

Work hard, play hard

Today, right now is all you have, no promise of tomorrow and yesterday is not coming back

Challenge yourself

This is all we have folks, make the most of your life, embrace the people you love, share kindness and understanding and know that the other half of the balance is to be bold.

Peace & Love




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