Thursday, April 17, 2014

Passion, no really it matters

Hello all, I want to start off with a quote.

Jack Kerouac

“the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.”
Jack Kerouac, On the Road


Long before I met my wife, my mother asked me what type of woman I wanted to marry, I said she must have passion, I may have also mentioned Sophia Loren I’m not sure,but we have been married for over 20 years and I have never been bored. I chose my partner based on her passion for life.

I love witty people and talented people and crazy people who live the way they believe in spite of their families and peers.  I like to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people now, I used to hate that. No idea why I just did not feel like facing my fear that I had trouble even defining.

Find your passion and act on it! Go for your dream girl, job, car etc… time is flying by very fast!! I will not waste another day holding back on my feelings. I tell my friends I love them and they make a difference in my life. My co- workers daughter recently sent an announcement to her high school graduation. Her mother said she only has so many cards to mail out but insisted on sending one to me. A very simple gesture that made a big impact on me. So I told her mother how I felt right away and let her daughter know how chuffed I was. It matters to share your feelings with the people you know.

I use my passion to push myself to learn guitar and mandolin, to work out and eat healthy.

I use it also to try and understand the choices I make.

I question my moods, how did I get so happy only to be let down. What had changed???  I have learned the only thing that changed was me letting it happen.

I choose to be optimistic, I know when I meet a downbeat person it’s a real drag, who needs another bitter person to let you know how bad the world is?

I’m very lucky in when I need inspiration I always seem to find it, could be a song or an old novel. The main point is I go seeking wisdom instead of sulky and blaming the world.

Its your life, you must be the captain of your ship! Get moving towards your goal.

If your goal demands time, 4 years of matter what else you do 4 years will pass and you could be living your dream or you could be 4 years older and no closer to being happy.

I know for myself music can alter my mood, I can loose myself and transform my thoughts with a few choice songs.  Perhaps its not music for you no matter , discover what makes you tick and use it to keep you on your path.

Try this, make a list of people you admire, it can be anyone.  Right out ten people, what is so special about this group that is so unique you?


As an example.

1.John Lennon,  poet, wit , activist, (fucking Beatle for goodness sake)

2. My friend Jeff, flat out one the nicest folks to walk the Earth.

3. Myrna Loy,  Sexy and confident, when she would walk into a room everyone knew it.  She was so lovely Jimmy Stewart once said “there’s something wrong with a fellow who does not want to marry her!”

4. Vincent Van Gogh, artist with amazing passion.

Just a brief list of people who turned my head and made me wonder why are they getting so much out of life. The bottom line is their driving passion. It does not have to be Vincent taking himself to extremes, it can be the quiet way my pal loves fishing by himself.

We have as far as I know one life, I want mind to be filled with all kinds of adventure and few regrets. When my wife asks if I want to dance,I take her hand and say you bet, even if we are the only couple out there. I do not want to miss one chance to express myself.

So make your list , and see what you can take from these people of passion and spice up your days.

Peace and love all.

Todays basement gypsies tune is from the film “Into the wild” true story of a young man who stepped outside of the safe world of his parents and entered into the wild.

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