Hello all, the most important weapon in my personal armory is the ability to picture just about anything (good or bad).
It does not matter if we are speaking about weight loss, quit smoking, drinking, getting a new job the list goes on and on. I decide this is what I want, from this point on several things start to fall into place. I get excited with the challenge, I gather facts and read articles on line, I seek out people who have reached this goal and ask them questions.
I then picture I have reached my goal and then what??? So it’s a new car you want. I sit and picture all of it, trading in your old rust bucket, calling your insurance agent, shopping online, walking about the car lots, the over eager salesmen. The new car smell and checking out the new dashboard, what side is the gas tank? I mean I will go into deep detail until the bloom is off the rose and I get down to the nitty gritty and its just a car. I have new higher payment, I’m worried if I get a scratch in the parking lot. Did I buy a new car for me or did I do this to impress someone ??
This little trick of being able to visualize the outcome has helped a lot.
So how do you do it? Well for some people its easy and they just do it(bastards) For me I had to practice . I noticed some writers could really pull me into their novels, I could smell the rain or the fresh cut grass. So as a wanna be writer I tried to describe in great detail a room I know well. As an example I picture my office at work, not just a desk and a computer and phone. I thought about the shadows from the plants that cross my desk in the late afternoon. The sound of the women who sit just outside my door when they make phone calls. Where my coffee mug sits in conjunction with my pen and calculator. With practice I could feel like I was sitting at my desk even though I was out riding my bike. So I would then do it in reverse, sit at my desk and picture everything I do to prep for a long bike ride, the smell of my garage and lifting my bike down from a hook on the wooden rafters. My mind grew stronger at drawing these mental pictures and soon I made a vision of how I wanted to look within reason of a short fat bald fifty year old man. Picture all I want I’m still a short 50 year old man, but I don’t act like one. I act the way I feel , very strong and full of energy.
So what do you want? If its an item a big tv or a new house, work hard save your money, take out a loan, call your rich uncle, or rob a bank. Its just money and with money you can get a lot of things,but not much else.
If you want to change your life then start right now with the image of who you want to be, that is the first step in the dance of life. You must be able to picture yourself at the finish line and how you will proceed from there. So in short start acting right now like the person you want to be.
What are you waiting on?
In all of my posts I will tend to ramble on and go off target, hang in there I always get around to the point in due time.
Peace and love all!
As always send me questions or comment love to hear from you.
Here’s a little video from the basement gypsies enjoy!
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