Saturday, January 10, 2015

10,000 steps part 2 minus the gadgets


Hello All,

Lat year I gave up  my obsession with using a scale, in brief it does not tell the whole story in where your health is at and can be very misleading if your goal is to be fit. I decided to focus on being fit and adding muscle and the numbers on the scale no longer matter to me. My mood improved over night.

Now also last year a co-worker /friend (Sunshine) was kind enough to give me a Fitbit , she is very keen on working out and is looking great and bless her heart she is an early adopter. So she always seems to have the latest thing and she shares her info with me, again thank you Sunshine.

I wrote last year if your interested about Fitbits and why 10, 000 steps (please check out last years blog). So it soon became part of my life and I was amazed to find out first off I was not walking near to 10,000 steps at the time.  So my Fitbit became my constant companion on all my travels be it hiking through the woods or walking the endless halls of my work. I had a full day to get in my 10,000 steps . Now leap ahead to present and I noticed a trend starting in me where my old pal obsession came back into view. Fitbit  and other such devices offer all sorts of fun games that inspire you to walk further and compete with other users etc.. Well it soon became for me something I was always checking and my short term focus soon turned to see what everyone else was doing and I would feel like I lost because “Sally” got in 3000 more steps after I went to bed so therefore I was having a lesser day.

All crap in my own mine I am aware,but I am also very honest, this was warping my enjoyment of going out just for a walk. So today I switched off the Fitbit and I will pass it on with Sunshine’s blessing to another user. Fitbit and the rest are excellent tools for health management do not get me wrong please,but after a year I know how many miles or so I walk on a normal day and I never used it to its full potential like my wife does and records calories ( I also don’t count calories ) and she loves hers.

You know by whatever means possible to get you off your butt, so Fitbit I thank for letting me know I was not moving as much as I thought I was and it was fun to have a trendy band on my wrist for awhile. For myself in this next phase of my health I’m looking for more fun on my road to fitness and changing up the paths not because of more steps but because I like the view.


Peace and Love all!

4) SuperMark - Halloween 2014

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