Sunday, January 25, 2015

Excuse me, but who are you?



I find it interesting on how we define ourselves,because that plays a large part on who we become. 

I spent the first decade of my marriage trying to make ends meet and still keep up with the Jones's of the world.   I allowed myself to be judged by everyone else’s standard and for my efforts I was rewarded with obesity and depression. All of which were my fault for letting some outside source dictate too me the meaning, not just of life ,but rather the meaning of my life.

Out of the blue my wife wrote me a letter one day  that I will never forget. It was simple, a little check list to remind me of who I am, of who I want to be. At the same time I was turning 40 and my Aunt in England called and said “well life begins at 40!”.  So simple and perfect, just what I needed to hear out loud.  I wrote my wife back a letter as well as reminded her who she is and who she wanted too be.

We remind our children that as shocking as it seems we are also people. I will never again let myself be placed into a category again where  I don’t follow my heart. If you are very happy and content in your life then bravo and perhaps you might share with others what you have learned. If your not however then I think its time you consider who it is you want to be.

Its very important to find your passion and follow it, your only limited by your efforts. Some examples from my world.

One of the things my wife wrote me was “See your self as a musician with a day job”. The problem I was having with that was I OK with sitting around in my basement picking out a Beatles song or a Led Zeppelin riff but I’m not an entertainer at all ,so the stage was not a place for me. The solution for me was a home studio. Here was a spot in my house where I could release every creative thought I had and challenge myself. The result of this effort was I made a CD called “Cellar Door” and called myself “the basement gypsies” (now on ITunes and Amazon got to do the plugs).

My wife had a similar passion with photography that gave way to family needs and the camera equipment was all sold. Times change  and now enter the digital era and before long we set up a small business we call “Shona Skye Creative” in which my wife Kristy and our partner Jay Swisher are taking photography to a new level so anyone can get afford artistic family photos , landscapes and fine art. (Please note the link to Shona Skye on my page ,WOW  Two Plugs!!! I know I’m shameless!)

The point to my ramble is find your passion and go for it, you never know where it will take you. Life for me really did start to flow when I turned 40. I now look at the world as a constant change,nothing is stable ,nothing ever was . We are all living on the brink and at any moment we could slip or get pushed off the edge. The only thing I depend on is whatever is going on now is real and present,but it also  will all too soon be a shadow.

I’m not the least bit morbid, in fact I have learned to embrace all  change the same as a new chapter in a book.

I get accused of being too upbeat from my family and its true, I feel great and I’m very happy. I find joy in everyday life, sometimes I have to look a little harder.


So who are you?   I hope your happy in what you do, if not find out how and start taking the steps to reach happiness.

Peace and Love all

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